These were my hours

Dates: Saturday July 27th, 19:00 – 21:30

Place: YogaZenter Amsterdam, Derde Oosterparkstraat 86

Price: 25 euro p.p. includes tea & a snack

Filmscreening & talk about Birth

This is the first documentary filmed entirely during a labor, told from the perspective of the woman giving birth. These Are My Hours is a full sensory immersion into the physical, emotional and spiritual experience of giving birth.

For anyone who has given birth, is going to give birth, will be supporting their loved one, friend or family member in their birthing time – this film is for you!This beautiful and raw glimpse inside the journey of birthing will leave you in awe of the process, the power of birthing women and a sense of lack of representation of birth in our mainstream media.

The filmscreening will be introduced by Alchemy of New Life coaches Oda Meiberg & Lievnath Faber and we will have some time after the film to talk a bit together. Join us!

We can host a limited number of people, so reserve your spot today.

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